Financial News

Here you will find useful news concerning finance, mergers and acquisitions, due diligence and other interesting topics covered by our Financial Advisory Department.

Investing in CEE: Inbound M&A report 2023/2024

The CEE region stands resilient in the face of global challenges, with attractive investment opportunities and robust domestic and cross-border dealmaking potential in 2024.

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Mazars in CEE ranks #3 for M&A Transaction Services by deal count according to ‘Mergermarket Accountant League Table 2023’

We are pleased to announce that this year Mazars CEE has secured the 3rd position for the number of successful M&A Transaction Services projects advised in 2023 and the 5th position by disclosed M&A deal value, based on the “Mergermarket CEE Accountant League Table 2023.

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Mazars CEE deal advisory highlights 2023

In 2023 Mazars has been ranked the 3rd leading deal advisors in Central & Eastern Europe, based on the Mergermarket CEE Accountant League Table by the number of successful deals, and among the top 5 players by disclosed M&A deal value in CEE.

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Prodaja biznisa "private equity"​ fondu

Odluka o prodaji biznisa od velike je važnosti za svakog poduzetnika te za većinu vlasnika predstavlja jednu od najtežih odluka u čitavom životnom ciklusu poduzeća.

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Prodaja biznisa – 4 najčešća izazova za poduzetnike i kako odgovoriti na njih

U poslovanju svake kompanije, pa tako i obiteljske, postoje određeni kritični trenutci nakon kojih poslovanje može ići na bolje ili na gore.

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Otkup kompanije od strane menadžmenta (MBO) ili kada “šef” postane “gazda"​

Životni ciklus kompanije sa sobom nosi mnoge uspone i padove kroz različite prelomne trenutke u razvoju.

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Mazars CEE deal advisory highlights 2022

In 2022, for the seventh year in a row, Mazars has been ranked among the top 5 leading deal advisors in Central & Eastern Europe, based on the Mergermarket CEE Accountant League Table by the number of successful deals.

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Mazars in CEE ranks #5 for M&A Transaction Services by deal count according to ‘Mergermarket Accountant League Table 2022’

For the seventh year running, Mazars is ranked fifth by Mergermarket for the number of successful M&A Transaction Services projects advised in 2022 according to the Accountant League Table for Central & Eastern Europe.

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Investing in CEE: Inbound M&A report 2020/2021

Despite concerns about Covid-19, resurgent inflation and rising energy prices, 2021 saw robust dealmaking across the Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) region. CEE’s diverse markets and abundant targets are increasingly attractive to both domestic and inbound investors. This publication offers an overview of inbound M&A activity in the CEE region throughout 2021, and looks ahead to the opportunities and challenges in the coming months.

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