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This section is dedicated to the latest Mazars news and events as well as information affecting audit, accounting, tax and consultancy in Malaysia.
Mazars Tax Newsletter - OECD transfer pricing guidelines on financial transactions (Part I: Intra-Group Loans)
The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has released in February 2020 the final Transfer Pricing Guidance on Financial Transactions ("Guidance"). This is the first time that multinational enterprise (MNE) groups are provided with guidelines on how to structure and price intra-group financial transactions. Read on to find out the developments affecting Intra-Group Loans in our February 2022 newsletter.
The future of audit: market view – myths, realities and ways forward
The audit profession faces a decisive moment: market expectations are shifting, technology is empowering auditors and strengthening quality, the case for audit’s evolution is growing and a series of headline corporate failures have raised questions about the quality of service companies can expect.
APAC payroll newsletter - 2021 Q3
Changes in HR and payroll regulations in APAC are commonplace. In particular, payroll in the APAC region is unique, complex, and varied. Although APAC has much to offer expanding companies, setting up operations can be particularly challenging.
Mazars 2020 C-suite barometer
In the midst of a global pandemic, a majority of business leaders still expected growth in 2021. What else do they see on the horizon?
Investing in CEE: Inbound M&A Report 2019/2020
The M&A market in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) had a robust 2019 year, displaying resilience in the face of global economic headwinds, according to new research from Mazars in association with Mergermarket. The report, Investing in CEE: Inbound M&A Report 2019/2020, offers an overview of inbound M&A activity in the CEE region throughout 2019 and looks ahead to the opportunities and challenges in the coming months, notably in the context of the ongoing Covid-19 outbreak.