Latest News

This section is dedicated to the latest Mazars news and events as well as information affecting audit, accounting, tax and consultancy in Malaysia.

Using the SDGs to Add Value to Business

When the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the 169 targets were launched, the message was clear to all stakeholders of the world – governments, regulators, companies, and populations – we need to do more to protect the world for future generations. So where are we now, and how are companies reacting to this brave new world? Mazars’ Global Sustainability Leadership Team explores this and more in the Global Goals Yearbook 2018.

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IFRS for Financial instruments

Mazars latest IFRS Insight addresses the accounting for financial instruments under IFRS. It draws on several relevant IFRS standards to tackle, in one handbook, the entire range of challenges related to financial instruments among which: recognition and derecognition, classification and measurement, impairment for credit risk, derivatives and hedging, and related disclosures. It includes all the new requirements introduced by IFRS 9 and the related amendments to other standards such as IFRS 7.

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