It is with great pleasure that we announce that Mazars has joined the UN Free and Equal Campaign. This United Nations’ global campaign is aimed to protect LBGTI members in the workplace against homophobia and transphobia. At Mazars, one of our core values is diversity & respect, therefore this message resonates directly with us. We are happy to have a work environment that is inclusive for all and we make sure to uphold this wherever in the world we are present.

Started in 2013, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) launched this campaign because of the inequalities that LGBTI persons face daily. Since the launch, there have been over 2 billion shares on social media to raise awareness for these inequalities. Although, LGBTI rights have evolved significantly within the past 20 years, there is still a lot more work to be done. Out of 195 countries worldwide, only 24 countries recognize same-sex marriage. Additionally, in over 70 countries same-sex relationships are prohibited by law, with a few countries allowing the death penalty for breaking the law.

The United Nations Human Rights Office developed five standard codes of conduct for LGBTI inclusiveness in the work place, and they are:

  1. Respect Human Rights: The human rights office urges all businesses to implement and practice policies that respect human rights of LGBTI people. Businesses should also create programmes to keep track of their compliance with human rights standards.
  2. Eliminate Discrimination in the Workplace: Businesses should make sure that there is no discrimination in their recruitment process, work environment, or benefits.
  3. Provide Support in the Workplace: Businesses should provide an open and non-hostile work environment for everyone to feel safe in.
  4. Prevent Other Human Rights Violations: Businesses should not discriminate against LGBTI providers and use their influence to prevent discrimination from other businesses or colleagues.
  5. Act in the Public Sphere: All businesses should respect and observe human rights of all, in each country they operate in. This is a joint effort by consulting with local advocacy groups, social dialogue, and through the support of LGBTI organizations.

Mazars is committed to ensuring our workplace is safe and inclusive for all. We are happy to join on to the UN Free and Equal Campaign and show our direct support to the Global Business Standards.

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