
私たちは、ローカルとグローバル、ビジネスと社会を異なる方法でバランスさせる独自の視点に誇りをもっています。私たちの専門分野の将来と、公正で豊かな世界を構築する上でのその役割についてのインサイトを提供します。 レポートや出版物を通じて、クライアントの生活やビジネスモデルに影響を与える大きな変化や世界を再形成するようなメガトレンドについての私たちの見解を共有しています。

Doing M&A in the Americas: Tax traps and structuring opportunities

26-05-2022 America is a vast continent often referred to as a ‘continent of contrasts due to its natural, economic, cultural, and demographic diversity. In addition, it also presents inequalities in economic and developmental structure. These factors create a source of tax uncertainties where doing business in this region can be challenging in terms of tax environments that are not as similar.

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Reinventing the wheel: driving conversations

モビリティの未来を形作るために主要なプレーヤーが取り組んでいる「現場」で何が起きているのかを明らかにするために、私たちは「Reinventing the wheel」シリーズの第2弾として、モビリティの専門家や大手自動車メーカーのシニアエグゼクティブへインタビューを行いました。

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Doing M&A in Western Europe: Tax traps and structuring opportunities

6-12-2021 With its place in Europe and its integration in the EU, Western Europe tends to be less of a source of tax uncertainties. But conducting business in this area can be a challenge regarding tax environments which are not that similar.

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Chinese consumers in 2021: how priorities in lifestyle consumption are changing

2021-12 China’s consumer market, second only to the US, is key to both domestic and international brands. While the buying behaviours of consumers in China have been well-documented, more recent shifts in consumer preferences in the wake of Covid-19 are less well-known. Our new study ‘Chinese consumers in 2021: how priorities in lifestyle consumption are changing’ seeks to investigate trends in buying behaviour that show a shift away from material goods towards more experiential spending.

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The race to data maturity: is your business as far ahead as you think?

2021-11 While most businesses understand the importance of data, few are truly able to transform it into a competitive advantage. So, what sets the successfully data-driven apart from the rest? The critical ingredient is data maturity. The higher an organisation’s level of data maturity, the better able they will be to leverage their data to create value and unlock a competitive advantage.

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Mazars’ flagship conference - Set for change: tax transparency, a way towards sustainability

2021-11 Join Mazars' flagship interactive conference “Set for change: tax transparency, a way towards sustainability" from 2 to 10 November 2021

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Unlocking trust: why global compliance is on the business agenda

2021-10 Compliance has long been a cornerstone of good business practice. But it can still be viewed as an obligation to be met rather than a driver of value. That’s why we conducted a survey of how business leaders approach global compliance, including where they focus investment, the risks they anticipate and what they expect from ‘good compliance’.

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Carve-outs in the automotive industry

2021-09 The automotive industry is constantly changing, facing external challenges posed around new technologies and business models. Carve-outs are under the spotlight to help companies mitigate these risks and offer strategic opportunities. Mazars experts around the world provide insights about carve-outs, from a range of different strategic perspectives.

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Sustainable finance policy tracker

2021-09 How different countries mitigate climate risks in their financial sectors

Financial services organisations around the world are rethinking how they work in order to better embed sustainability into their business models. At the same time, climate stress tests are entering the mainstream in many jurisdictions. But even though regulation is fast developing, there is still a lack of consistency in the methods used and the extent of the commitments.

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OECD Guidance on Transfer Pricing implications of Covid-19 pandemic

On 18 December 2020, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) issued the much-awaited guidance on Transfer Pricing implications of Covid-19 pandemic that provides broad principles for taxpayers in reporting the financial periods affected by the pandemic and for tax administrations in evaluating the implementation of taxpayers’ Transfer Pricing policies.

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