Post-acquisition integration assistance

At Mazars, we believe effective post deal transformation planning and execution is crucial to the success of all deals. Our services range from providing full planning, implementation and central coordination and delivery of the transformation process, to acting as a sounding and advisory board where we provide objective and independent advice as and when you require.

Our teams have extensive experience of delivering transformations across a full range of sectors for large and small business, adding unique value to you by being:

  • Flexible – Our style of working and reporting will be driven by your business and your individual needs.
  • Alert to opportunities – We can help you to achieve quick wins in terms of facilitating an early exit from the transitional support arrangements.
  • A truly integrated team – Mazars’ organisational structure ensures our teams work seamlessly across borders and service streams providing you with one project team working to one methodology.
  • Aware of and focused on the intangibles – Human, organisational and relationship capital are critical to any business and a central focus of our post deal transformation service offering.
  • Involved pre deal – Ideally our work begins pre deal to ensure our teams have the necessary experience to manage the transformation


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