Thought leadership reports

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Expanding upon the NBFC horizon

Expanding upon the NBFC horizon

The contribution of non-banking financial companies (NBFCs) in reinforcing real economic activity and standing as peripheral channels of credit intermediation along banks is well identified. Over the recent years, NBFCs have branched into considerable extension in terms of size, complexity, and interconnectedness within the financial sector.

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To leave or stay?

A thought leadership survey study that explores the employee pulse and the nature of “new work.”

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To leave or stay?
India Auto tracker

India Auto tracker

India Auto Tracker Q2 FY24 provides an overview of the Q2 FY24 export report for the auto industry, It includes a detailed analysis of the top export destinations and growth trends, covering key insights such as export volumes, growth rates, and market shares for each destination.

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Labour landscape in India

Owing to the vast population of our country, the labour landscape is an intricate set of layers. Diversity, multi-linguistic and multi-cultural are hallmarks of the labour population (labour pool) in India. Economic activities in the country are broadly categorised in the organised and unorganised sectors.

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Labour landscape in India
MSME: Challenges of significant contributor and policy initiatives

MSME: Challenges of significant contributor and policy initiatives

The MSME sector accounts for over 80% of businesses and contributes to more than half of the employee share. The share of the formal MSME sector in the GDP is up to 40% in emerging economies. The importance of the sector in India’s economic growth cannot be over-emphasized. With the presence of over 63 million MSMEs employing over 110 million people staggered across services, the manufacturing sector contributes nearly 30% to GDP.

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Mending the missing middle

MSMEs are the lifeblood of India, whether it be running our GDP, our vibrant export profile or facilitating employment across the country.
Be it micro, small or medium sized firms, each type of enterprise has played a pivotal role in shaping the sector’s growth story till date.

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Mending the missing middle
Circular economy

Circular economy

Population and usages of resources are interdependent and proportionally co-related. Judicious use of resources would lead to mitigating resource depletion and thereby fostering a more sustainable environment for future generation. It is estimated that by 2050 world population will soar to 9 billion and fulfilling the demand will require natural resources equivalent to three earths. The present prevailing model of usages of resources is linear economy which is based on the principles of ‘take-make-waste’ and is unable to manage the balance of demand and supply with growing population and depleting resources. It is also
significant contributor to the challenges of climate change, biodiversity loss, waste generation and pollution.

As a consequence of the realisation of the impending resource scarcity, existential threat due to adverse impacts of increasing temperature of planet earth and climate change, circular economy is emerging as a solution for sustainable development.

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The potential of EV infrastructure market in India

August 2024

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The potential of EV infrastructure market in India