CEE deal advisory highlights 2019

Mazars in Central and Eastern Europe has the pleasure to present its 2019 Deal Advisory Highlights. Our yearly highlights showcase a selection of projects that we advised on throughout the region.

Reflecting on the year, there are 5 key themes that have directed and influenced Mazars’ transactional activity in CEE:

Strong international appetite to invest in CEE

Boosted by the strong economic growth observed across the region, Central & Eastern Europe witnessed once again another robust year in terms of M&A activity. In terms of deal volume, the CEE remains one of the most attractive emerging markets in the world. This reveals the relatively stable landscape for deal-making and international investments coming from Western Europe (Germany, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Netherlands, Scandinavia), the United States, Asia (China, Japan, India, the Middle-East) and South Africa.

Private equity activity continues to rise

The increasing levels of private equity and venture capital fundraising, investment and exit activity observed in the region demonstrate the attractiveness of the CEE for global investors, interested in satisfactory returns on investments.

Succession planning: a trend full of M&A opportunities

30 years after the fall of communism, more and more successful entrepreneurs consider the potential selling of the business they created in the 1990s. This represent huge external growth opportunities for acquisitive market players.

M&A transactions across the whole sectorial spectrum

Whilst some sectors are hotter topics than others (Financial Services, Utilities, Energy & Renewables, Infrastructures, Manufacturing), we have observed a broad array of buyers and sellers in virtually all sectors where we have transacted in.

CEE firms invest more and more outside the region

An increasing number of large SMEs coming from CEE and considered as „hidden European champions” in their industry are considering Mergers & Acquisitions as a way to develop in Western Europe, Africa or Asia.

We expect these themes to still influence the CEE deal activity into the medium term.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our Clients for giving us the opportunity to service them all over Central & Eastern Europe and worldwide throughout the year.


Mazars CEE Deal Advisory Highlights 2019

Want to know more?

Benedek Zoltan
Benedek Zoltan Partner, Audit and Advisory Services, FCCA - Budapest

Detailed profile