Welcome to the Women's planet!

Mazars and the French National Committee for UN Women have the pleasure to invite you to immerse in the daily lives of some 2,400 women from 3 different generations (Generation W, born between 1945 and 1960, Generation X born between 1961 and 1980, and Generation Y born between 1981 and 1995), in 108 countries: Welcome to the Women’s planet!

In many countries, the 20th century was the century of women’s emancipation: they gained voting rights, financial independence, access to education and to the working world, freedom of movement, etc. We wanted to meet with some of these women and learn about how their rights had changed; though they all had experienced thorough changes in status in a few decades’ time, their backgrounds (age, origin, culture) could not have been more different.  It is now recognised that women represent the wealth of the future – let’s gain a greater understanding of what they are actually experiencing, what they condemn and to what they aspire.

  • How do these women evaluate the level of female-male equality in their countries: do women in Latin America have the same rights as those of women in North America?
  • How do they see their role in society: is a woman’s double decker day – and sometimes even triple – really a step forward, in their eyes?
  • Do women have the same dreams from one region to another?  Do women from the Middle East have substantially different demands from those in Europe?

Download the full survey bellow:


Welcome to the Women's planet