Tax Newsletters 2021

You can read here the latest tax newsletters of the Hungarian office of Mazars. We would like to inform our clients and partners about actual tax news and changes.

The use of transfer pricing databases – NAV communication

This is the first time since the introduction of the Hungarian transfer pricing regulation that specific guidance on the use of transfer pricing specific databases containing data at company level has been published. The communication issued by the Hungarian Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) also clarifies the most important steps of the database research and the importance of manual filtering.

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Extended! SZÉP cards and other tax reliefs

On the 10th of June 2021, the Government Decree 318/2021. (VI. 9.) on tax measures to help relaunch the economy following the coronavirus pandemic was published, which includes a number of favorable tax amendments.

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Deadline of corporate income tax – extended or not?

On 17 May, NAV issued a notice stating that sanctions could be avoided in certain cases if the corporate tax return was submitted late.

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The spring tax bill has been submitted - here are the most important changes

On 11 May 2021, the Minister of Finance submitted to the National Assembly Bill no. T/16208 including the spring tax package. The package affects a number of tax rules, but does not contain any great surprises.

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Are you ready for LIBOR transition?

Regulators kicked off the final countdown for the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) on 5 March 2021. The U.K. Financial Conduct Authority confirmed that the final fixings for most LIBOR rates will take place at the end of this year, with just a few key dollar tenors set to live on for a further 18 months.

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Corporate income tax – possibilities for reducing the amount of CIT

In the life of companies – especially if their business year is identical with the calendar year – this period is typically spent focused around the closing of the previous financial year, which includes the calculation of annual taxes. Although the deadline for filing the corporate income tax return is still a long way off, as the tax calculation is part of the annual report, it also comes up during the audit. However, in the big rush, it is often forgotten that the calculation of the corporate income tax can be more than a compulsory administrative task, i.e. merely the calculation of the tax due.

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Tax reliefs in the state of emergency – third wave

Some additional tax reliefs and wage subsidies have been introduced due to the lockdown ordered due to the third wave of the Covid-19 outbreak currently under way.

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Current news concerning the rehabilitation contribution

As of 1 January 2021, some amendments have entered into effect with respect to the scope of persons qualifying as having an altered working ability from the point of view of the rehabilitation contribution.

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Brexit: A new era from 1 January 2021

A new era began in the European Union on the first day of the new year, as the UK’s exit from the EU, a procedure dragging on for several years, has finally ended. On 1 January 2021, the transitional period during which the old EU rules were still in place, including those on trade and employment, have expired, and from this point forward the United Kingdom is indeed considered a “third country”.

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Vocational training contributions from 1 January 2021

Almost at the last minute, on 28 January, a government decree finally “adjusted” the new rules applicable to the tax base for vocational contributions, as in effect from 1 January 2021.

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