Deadline for reports on cross-border tax structures have been extended

In July 2019, Hungary adopted the provisions of EU Council Directive 2018/822 (hereinafter: DAC6 Directive) on the data reporting obligation for cross-border transactions. In addition to imposing several burdensome liabilities on consulting firms, it is important that taxpayers themselves may be required to provide information in certain cases.

In order to tackle aggressive tax structures, Hungary has also implemented the European Union Directive which, by means of automatic exchange of information. The directive aims at enforcing international corporations to pay taxes in the country of actual value creation. Under the law, all intermediaries, (tax consultants) but ultimately the relevant taxpayers involved in cross-border arrangements are required to report the transaction to the tax authorities if at least one of the hallmarks listed in the Directive is met. The reporting obligation covers all types of taxes except VAT, excise duty and social security contributions.

To read the whole newsletter below.


Tax Newsletter 2020/26.

Want to know more?

Nagy Gabriella
Nagy Gabriella Head of International Transfer Pricing Center Budapest

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