Tax Newsletters 2016

You can read here the latest issues of Mazars Hungary's Tax Newsletters. In these publications we would like to inform our clients and prospective partners about the current modifications or changes in tax.

Tax Newsletter 2016/22 - Further tax packages

Prior to the forthcoming holidays, the last two tax packages submitted at the beginning of December were officially published. Although the extent of the modifications is not particularly significant, the importance of the new provisions should not be underestimated.

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Adóhírlevél 2016/21 - Cafeteria 2017 II.

December 5-én benyújtásra került a „Mikulás-csomag” néven is emlegetett, újabb adócsomag, melyet december 12-én elfogadott a Parlament.

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Adóhírlevél 2016/20 - Év végi checklist

A karácsonyi ünnepek és az új év közeledtével idén is elkészítettük összefoglalónkat a társaságok előtt álló év végi teendőkről és határidőkről.

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Adóhírlevél 2016/19 - Védőoltás

Hamarosan itt az év vége, egyre fagyosabb napok köszöntenek ránk, a hideggel együtt pedig érkezik a menetrendszerű influenza szezon is.

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Tax Newsletter 2016/18 - Tax package approved

On 22 November, the Parliament approved the 2017 Tax Package. In comparison with our last newsletter on the 2017 changes, no significant modifications were added, but solely minor clarifications.

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Tax Newsletter 2016/17 - Cafeteria

Throughout the year, all of us may have heard about the potential changes in the system of cafeteria benefits.

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Tax Newsletter 2016/16 - Tax package 2017, part 2

The proposal for the second part of the 2017 tax package has been revealed. Having an outstanding significance from among the changes are the reform of the rules applicable to the filing of personal income tax returns with the introduction of eSZJA, as well as the new set of corporate income tax allowances for start-up enterprises, investments of energy efficiency purpose and the provision of live music service at catering establishments.

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Tax Newsletter 2016/15 - Swiss Tax Alert

A new era of tax transparency. The spontaneous exchange of information on tax rulings

In Switzerland, the spontaneous exchange of information on tax agreements (“rulings”) will be applicable in a few months.

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Tax Newsletter 2016/14 - HU-US social agreement

The US-Hungarian social security agreement (“Agreement”) eagerly awaited by many entered into force today after its last year’s approval.

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Tax Newsletter 2016/13 - EKAER changes

The waves of modifications in the 2017 Tax Packages approved at the beginning of this summer have reached the EKAER obligations.

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