Tax Newsletter 2014/1- Judgement against VAT laws

EUROPEAN COURT OF JUSTICE JUDGEMENT AGAINST THE HUNGARIAN VAT REGULATIONS. This is the theme of the first tax newsletter of Mazars in Hungary in 2014.

In its judgment in case C-563/12 published on December 19, 2013, the European Court of Justice (“Court”) declared that the 90 day deadline of dispatching products as a precondition for the tax exemption of export sales ruled by the Hungarian VAT Act is contrary to the EU VAT Directive. Although the challenged point of the Hungarian VAT Act – especially in order to harmonize with the VAT Directive – was completed as of January 1, 2014, as a result of the mentioned judgment, there will be an opportunity to revise the former tax authority decisions.

To read the whole newsletter:


Tax Newsletter 1/2014

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