Mazars Hungary Tax Newsletter No. 11/2012

In this newsletter you can read about the mid-year changes that affect tax laws in 2012.
The tax package came into force as of June 20, 2012. Several other previously approved laws and pending tax bills will also modify tax liabilities.

Numerous mid-year changes affect tax laws in 2012: a new obligation to submit special recapitulative reports will be introduced in VAT; the personal scope of “Robin Hood” tax will be extended and also the tax liabilities of utility service providers will increase, the natural disaster prevention contribution will be abolished and the Act on the Rules of Taxation will be amended at several points. The tax package came into force as of June 20, 2012, but several other previously approved laws and pending tax bills will also modify tax liabilities.


Mazars Tax Newsletter 11/2012 hu
Mazars Tax Newsletter 11/2012 en