Tax newsletter 2023

You can read here the latest tax newsletters of the Hungarian office of Mazars. We would like to inform our clients and partners about actual tax news and changes.

“SZÉP” Card Guide

The conditions of use and tax rules applicable to the Széchenyi Recreation Card (“SZÉP” card) benefit have undergone several changes since the appearance of the coronavirus pandemic. In this newsletter, we summarise the current provisions and, for the sake of clarity, we will also mention which are the preferential provisions that are no longer applicable after the pandemic.

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New transfer pricing disclosure form now available

The amended Decree 32/2017 of the Ministry for National Economy was published in late December, in the frame of which taxpayers subject to transfer pricing documentation will also be obliged to submit a transfer pricing related report as part of their annual corporate income tax return. The Hungarian Tax Administration has recently published the complemented 29 and 29EUD forms otherwise serving for the purposes of annual corporate income tax returns, which will also be suitable for the new transfer pricing disclosure. However, when publishing this newsletter, form 2229 to be serving for the purposes of the FY2022 corporate tax return has not been published yet, it is expected to be available in the upcoming days.

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Extended producer responsibility fee to be introduced alongside the environmental product charge

The waste management system is being transformed with the introduction of the so-called Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) scheme to comply with Directive 2006/123/EC (12 December 2006) of the European Parliament and of the Council. The EPR is based on the idea that producers should be financially responsible for the costs of managing the waste arising from their products, and thereby waste management will be carried out in the future under a concession system. With new scheme will also be harmonised with the environmental product charge system.

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