Legal Newsletters 2020

Read the latest legal news by Mazars Tax and Legal Services and its corresponding law firm, Borsy Law Office.

The new rules of product warranty

A fundamental right of consumers in case of new products is the commercial guarantee (product warranty), on the basis of which, in case of lack of conformity of the product, the consumer has the right to demand from the obligor of the warranty to have the product repaired, replaced, or in a given case to reduce or refund its price.

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Further changes in employment and company law due to the state of alarm

On the basis of the government decree promulgated on 10 April 2020, new rules are applicable to working time banking systems and to the operation of legal persons.

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Szerződések teljesítése vis maior esetén

A koronavírus terjedése és a további terjedés megakadályozása érdekében bevezetett hatósági intézkedések – utazási korlátozások és tilalmak, karanténok – jelentősen befolyásolhatják a szerződéses kötelezettségek teljesítését. A gazdasági szereplők már most szembesülnek egyes termékek, nyersanyagok szállításának késedelmével.

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Not enough work for the employees

The Hungarian government decided that all shops must close at 3 pm, with the exception of pharmacies, food stores, fuel stations and tobacco shops. This could mean that some employers cannot provide enough work for their employees.

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