The new rules of product warranty

A fundamental right of consumers in case of new products is the commercial guarantee (product warranty), on the basis of which, in case of lack of conformity of the product, the consumer has the right to demand from the obligor of the warranty to have the product repaired, replaced, or in a given case to reduce or refund its price.

Unfortunately, under the current rules, many consumers are faced with a rejection of their request to replace of the product, or the repair of the product takes unreasonably long, as a result of which the consumer protection authority receives many complaints in connection with warranty claims. In an attempt to remedy this problem and alleviate the dissatisfaction of consumers, the amendment of the provision concerning the mandatory warranty for consumer durables (Government Decree 151/2003. (IX. 22.), hereinafter: the Decree), was promulgated in issue 2020/140 of the Official Gazette (Magyar Közlöny).

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Legal newsletter 2020/4

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