Mazars transfer pricing webinar series

Join our tax webinars focusing on the latest transfer pricing developments organised by Mazars

Key updates to the 2022 OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines for multinational enterprises and tax administrations February 22, 14:00-15:00 CET

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On 20 January 2022, the OECD published updated Transfer Pricing Guidelines. The new Guidelines consolidate changes made by the BEPS Actions and other work to revise the 2017 edition of the OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines to meet the challenges and requirements today.

In this webinar, our experts will present you with the changes to the 2017 version of the OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines.


  • Revised guidance on transactional profit split method
  • Guidance for tax administrations on Hard-to-Value Intangibles
  • Transfer pricing guidance on financial transactions

Previous webinars

25 January, 2022 | 12:00 – 13:00 CET
Join us for our webinar dedicated to demystifying the Mutual Agreement Procedure.

The objective of MAP is to eliminate taxation that is not compliant with the double tax treaties, MAP is an alternative to domestic legal remedy.

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We will be joined by Martin O'Rourke (UK Delegated Competent Authority) and David Price (HMRC’s Head of Tax Treaty Team) to discuss how MAP can be practically and efficiently used to resolve double taxation arising in the context of transfer pricing disputes, and dual corporate tax residency issues.

We will cover what a good MAP application looks like from a practical point of view, and address your frequently asked questions.

Transfer Pricing management in the Central Eastern Europe region
2 December, 14:00 CET

The transfer pricing landscape in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) is rapidly evolving. Companies need to anticipate and be reactive to change, and simultaneously manage their documentation requirements to avoid any delays. They must also ensure their group’s transfer pricing policies and obligations are met to mitigate any associated risk of non-compliance.


  • Year-end transfer pricing adjustments
  • CEE transfer pricing audits
  • Country-by-country reporting
  • How to put together the most reliable benchmarking study in the CEE region.
  • Mutual agreement procedure (MAP) - what to expect


  • Martin Smatana, Tax Partner Mazars Slovakia
  • Liviu Gheorghiu, Senior Manager Mazars Romania
  • Gabriella Nagy, Head of International Transfer Pricing Center Mazars Hungary

Moderated by:

  • Gertrud Bergmann, Transfer Pricing Partner at Mazars Germany

Important information:

  • The webinar is free, but registration needed.
  • The webinar is in English.


New international tax framework: Impact on transfer pricing
21 October | 14:00 - 15:00 CET

In October 2019, the OECD Secretariat presented the "Unified Approach" for the taxing rights’ reallocation of MNEs’ profits. One year later, the OECD released pillar one and pillar two blueprints that develop a framework to address the taxation of the digitalized economy, and introduce a global minimum tax regime to fight against base erosion and profit shifting. This "Unified Approach" focuses on large and consumer-facing companies. A new nexus is proposed to ensure taxation of corporate profits in markets where a certain sales threshold is reached without being physical present. Thus, MNEs need to prepare for the changes in international tax rules. Our Mazars experts will provide you with a clear understanding of the key risks for MNEs’ operational and business models, and will analyze the impact on transfer pricing.

Important information:

  • The webinar is free, but registration needed.
  • The webinar is in English.


How can multinational companies mitigate the impact of Covid-19 on their Transfer Pricing reviews?

21 September 2021, 14:00 CET

Click here to watch the recording

The Covid-19 pandemic will have serious implications on transfer pricing for many multinational enterprises (MNEs) in the upcoming years. In December 2020, the OECD released its Guidance that clarifies and illustrates the practical application of the arm’s length principle as articulated in their Transfer Pricing Guidelines.

Four priority issues were identified and covered in the Guidance:

  • Comparability analysis
  • Losses and the allocation of Covid-19 specific costs
  • Government assistance programmes
  • Advance Pricing Agreements (“APAs”)


  • How does OECD Guidelines address the impact of Covid-19 on Transfer Pricing?
  • Key take-aways for 2020.
  • What should MNEs need to consider for the end of 2021?
  • What should MNEs do to prepare for the following years?


  • Frédéric Barat, Partner at Mazars France
  • Elisabeth Tchumburidze, Manager at Mazars Germany
  • Karen Lau, Senior Manager at Mazars Hong Kong

Moderated by: 

  • Gertrud Bergmann, Partner at Mazars Germany

Important information:

  • The webinar is free, but registration needed.
  • The webinar is in English.

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