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Using the SDGs to Add Value to Business

When the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the 169 targets were launched, the message was clear to all stakeholders of the world – governments, regulators, companies, and populations – we need to do more to protect the world for future generations. So where are we now, and how are companies reacting to this brave new world? Mazars’ Global Sustainability Leadership Team explores this and more in the Global Goals Yearbook 2018.

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ecoDa & Mazars Roundtable: The Board’s Role in Designing an Effective Framework for Corporate Governance

On 18 June 2018, the European Confederation of Directors Associations (ecoDa) and Mazars organised a roundtable in Brussels centred around their recent report on “The board’s role in designing an effective framework of corporate governance”

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European Insurers' IFRS 9 Benchmark Study

The new standard IFRS 9 on financial instruments has been effective starting 1st January 2018 for most entities but insurance groups have the possibility to defer its application to 2021, the year when the new standard IFRS 17 on insurance contracts will enter into force.

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Meet Mazars’ Insurance Experts at the RVS 2018 in Monte-Carlo

Mazars is pleased to be joining industry leaders at the 62nd edition of the largest and most important event in the global (re)insurance calendar, Les Rendez-Vous de Septembre, taking place from 8th to 13th September in Monte-Carlo.

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Mazars and King’s College London launch LL.M in International Tax Law

Mazars, the international accounting and advisory firm, has partnered with The Dickson Poon School of Law, King’s College London, to offer a specialised LL.M (Master in Laws) in International Tax Law delivered through an advanced online learning environment. Mazars is the first firm to offer its employees this LL.M in International Tax Law, which is exclusively open to Mazars tax professionals for the first two years. The inaugural cohort includes participants from four continents.

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Discover our 2018 Ecommerce reports!

Bringing you solutions in the face of new challenges brought on by ecommerce. Explore themes such as ethics & compliance, digitization & technology, and logistics & footprint on our new ecommerce microsite.

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Africa Banking Forum 2018

Mazars is proud to be the Scientific Partner of the 10th edition of the Africa Banking Forum (ABF) to be held on June 28th and 29th, 2018 in Douala and discuss recent topics regarding the banking services on the continent.

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Transaction Advisory in the CEE region

We help organisations successfully acquire companies in Central & Eastern Europe. Our practitioners work across many industries to provide bespoke services to our clients.

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Poland’s strategy & roles facing the market challenges in the Aerospace sector

Adam Zohry, Senior Associate at Mazars Poland, presents some thoughts on Poland’s Aerospace & Defence sector by focusing on its crucial pillars such as clusterisation, technologies, market incentives, or talent reserve.

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Mazars International Tax Conference 2017

Mazars, in collaboration with King’s College London, were pleased to hold Mazars 6th Annual International Taxation Conference exploring how the business landscape internationally has been shaped by the tax changes resulting from BEPS, US tax reform and BREXIT.

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Mazars International Tax Conference 2018

Mazars, in collaboration with King’s College London, hosted the 7th Mazars Annual International Tax Conference on 4 October 2018 in The Principal Hotel in London.

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Mazars sponsors the annual Risk Management banking meeting in Rome

Mazars is proud to be once again a sponsor of the most important annual event in the Italian Banking Industry- Banking Union & Basel 3 – Risk & Supervision 2018- organised by the Italian Banking Association (ABI) on 14-15 June 2018 in Rome.

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Enabling middle market businesses to achieve sustainable success

Mazars organised a panel session jointly with The Academy of Business in Society (ABIS) dedicated to “Enabling middle market businesses to achieve sustainable success” at the European Business Summit on 24 May 2018 to mark the launch of their “Middle Market Leaders Lab”.

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Mazars sponsors USA-Europe Shared Services Summit & Awards

We are delighted to be a sponsor of the USA - Europe Shared Services Summit & Awards on 20 June 2018 in New York. The goal of shared services is all about growth – by outsourcing non-core activities, organisations can focus on opportunities like innovation, sales, new products, and acquisitions.

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