The future of audit: market view – myths, realities and ways forward

Audit faces ambitious and stimulating change, both in terms of the way the work is performed, with increasing support from new technologies and artificial intelligence (AI), and its scope, including financial, sustainability and IT reporting.

We now see an emphasis placed on scope and quality, as auditors must ensure interconnectivity and interoperability between the different sources of information to guarantee relevance and comprehensibility. Auditors form a decisive part of the puzzle, contributing to the transformation of our economies and companies into sustainable entities and drivers.

At Forvis Mazars, audit is, and always has been, at the heart of what we do. We recognise that financial transparency produces fairer and more prosperous economies, with auditors playing a crucial role in helping to achieve this clarity. This is why we are committed to finding ways to strengthen and innovate within our field. 

Forvis Mazars is dedicated to consistently sharing analyses on the future of the audit sector to contribute to important debates about our profession. Topics include market expectations, reform proposals and – most recently – an audit fees benchmark of listed public interest entities in the EU. Discover our full, and continually updated, selection of insight and perspectives on the future of audit below.
