Reinventing audit

In a rapidly moving and constantly changing global market, the auditing function is facing new issues and challenges. The advent of the digital revolution, the emergence of disruptive technologies and, more recently, political, health and economic crises are all factors that have caused a profound upheaval in the financial ecosystem.

Addressing the changing scope of the auditor’s mission 

As a heightened risk profile prevails and increased regulatory pressures accelerate the disruption of business models, fresh challenges are created. New needs, including cybersecurity, mass data analysis and increased non-financial reporting issues, are also changing the role and scope of the auditor’s mission.  

What will the auditor of the future look like? 

In the face of these challenges, the profession’s continued transformation is essential. By exploring the powerful levers of technology, human capital, and collective intelligence at their disposal, auditors can develop new pathways and paint a clearer picture of what the auditor of the future will look like.  

Retaining independence and ethical purpose 

At the same time, questions such as how far audit firms and internal audit departments can evolve to meet new client expectations without jeopardising their independence and strong ethics need to be resolved. 

Moving forward together 

At Forvis Mazars, we intend to address the complexities of innovating in a regulated profession. Through debate and discussion of the benefits and limitations of technology, human capital and collective intelligence, we invite you to move forward together. 
