Global insurance regulatory centre

Staying on top of regulatory evolutions in the insurance sector.

Changing regulatory landscapes put significant pressure on insurers across the globe, who must meet the latest requirements as well as policyholder needs, and keep business models up to date. At Forvis Mazars, we understand that having access to quality information and interpretation is crucial for helping our insurance clients comply with rigorous new regulatory expectations.

As a centre of expertise on regulatory developments and challenges, our global insurance regulatory centre is committed to sharing knowledge to support insurance clients meet the expectations of international regulators. In the face of growing obligations, like International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) requirements and modelling changes, our goal is to help you reconcile regulatory and business objectives.

Our collaborative approach and international perspective mean we can identify emerging trends, hot topics and specific policy changes country-by-country. We can leverage our expertise to provide forward-looking opinions and insight on the ever-changing world of insurance supervision.

How can we help?

By sharing our insight, publications, and research, our global insurance regulatory centre can support senior-level leaders in making informed decisions. Our regulatory analysis of key insurance matters is distributed through various channels, allowing you to engage however best suits your needs:

·       Thought leadership articles

·       Technical analysis

·       Research on regulations impacting (re)insurers

·       Social media alerts

·       Quarterly newsletters

A selection of our recent contributions on key insurance regulatory issues are linked below.

Want to know more?