Financial services regulatory advisory

Helping you anticipate and comply with the financial services regulatory environment.

As the international regulatory landscape shifts and evolves, financial institutions increasingly need well-informed technical guidance and customised support in interpreting policy changes and complex compliance requirements.

Using the combined knowledge of our globally integrated team of experts and established connections with regulators and central banks, we can help clients anticipate and comply with international regulatory changes impacting their business. In addition, our expertise in audit, tax, and advisory services combines to provide a 360O approach to supporting specific regulatory compliance challenges.

How can we help?

Our focus is on providing practical solutions that enable financial institutions to respond to regulatory expectations and obligations confidently. We have a dedicated and experienced team that understands the regulatory challenges financial services clients face.

Through our collaborative approach and international perspective, we provide access to knowledge and advice that allows clients to navigate the complex regulatory landscape clearly and precisely. A vital part of our approach is to provide forward-thinking solutions promoting the level of business resilience financial services clients now seek. 

Our specialists operating in prudential supervision, regulatory compliance, conduct regulation and market developments, digital assets and payment providers, operational resilience, and consumer protection rules ensure that financial services clients have the depth and breadth of regulatory expertise they require.

 Our dedicated services offer:

  • Policy interpretation
  • Regulatory impact analysis
  • Preparation, review & submission of regulatory returns
  • Technical & project management support
  • Regulatory remediation and implementation
  • Advocacy and access to authorities
  • Regulatory watch assistance & training
  • Effective identification and management of regulatory risks
  • A risk-based approach to compliance assurance activities
  • Board assurance on managing and mitigating regulatory risks
