We support

At Forvis Mazars, we commit ourselves not only to meet our customers' and employees' expectations, we also support a range of charities to take responsibility in the development of society.

Please find below a list of organizations or causes that we support in Denmark. 

Supporting the fight against breast cancer - We are stronger when we stand together

Every year, almost 5,000 people are affected by breast cancer. It mostly affects women and in Denmark is the most common type of cancer among women, at approx. ¼ of cancer cases.

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Danish Cancer Society - Mazars takes responsibility

Today, every third Dane is affected by cancer during their lifetime and every year more than 45,000 cases of cancer are diagnosed.

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Childrens Welfare – Together we end neglect

Many children are contacting “ChildrensPhone” (BørneTelefonen) these days. At Childrens Welfare, they are very aware of the development of Covid-19 and the infection pressure in Denmark, where the new lockdown with home school and social isolation affects the well-being of the children and young people in Denmark.

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Mazars supports to stop digital violations

Illegal and offensive publications on the Internet are an increasing societal problem.

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Multiple Sclerosis Society – Walk & Talk 2019

As part of Mazars' CSR strategy, we support the Multiple Sclerosis Society’s work again by granting a contribution to “Walk & Talk 2019”

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NORDIC day on March 23rd, 2019

100 years ago, the NORDIC Association was founded in Denmark – together with similar associations in the other Nordic countries. The NORDIC Association in Denmark is working for increased co-operation in the Nordic countries. The purpose of this is to spread the knowledge of the other Nordic countries according to the principle “sharing is caring”

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“Knæk” Cancer – Mazars support 2018

Cancer affects one in three Danes and in one way or another we all come into contact with it, this can be personally, through relatives, colleagues or within our circle of friends.

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Mazars supports Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Mazars has chosen to support the humanitarian organization Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) by donating to the organization. By doing so we support, together with many other companies, Médecins Sans Frontières’ Global Work, saving lives worldwide.

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From education to empowerment – Mazars supports the organisation Help to Help

Tanzania is one of the poorest countries in Africa and in the world, yet with a high potential for development.

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