Stories 2022. For Good

Reporting of your sustainable effort has never been more relevant.

In our previous For Good Stories we have shared our client’s sustainable initiatives and Mazars in Denmark’s selected sustainable development goals.

The ESG era: “S” for social

The trilogy continues! This second story seeks shedding light over the social aspects of the ESG framework, which are as varied as the environmental ones.

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The ESG era: “E” for environmental

There is no doubt that ESG has become increasingly important. This acronym, that stands for “Environmental, Social and Governance”, is a framework to evaluate companies´ long-term sustainability and CSR performance, and has fully entered and positively impacted the business world. That is why we, at Mazars in Denmark, are going to dedicate the next three “Stories 2022. For Good” to the three pillars of this concept. The ESG era is here!

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Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive: a new change driver

2022 has so far been a year full of advancement within the field of sustainability. Reporting on ESG is becoming increasingly known for everyone - small business’ as well as larger.

Read this story to get an update on CSRD and check the links you will find below for inspiration!

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Non-financial reporting of key figures

Sustainability reporting is accelerating fast and especially with the EU Sustainability Initiatives with the acronyms; NFRD, ESG Taxonomy and CSRD.

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