Danish Cancer Society - Mazars takes responsibility

Today, every third Dane is affected by cancer during their lifetime and every year more than 45,000 cases of cancer are diagnosed.

Organizations against cancer

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The Danish Cancer Society is Denmark's largest disease-fighting organization and Denmark's largest patient association. The three main areas of the association are research, prevention, and counseling and support for those affected and their relatives.

As one of the country's largest associations, the Danish Cancer Society represents many members and active volunteers speaking patients' cases towards the authorities and their voice is of great importance in the debate.

Mazars has therefore chosen to support the Danish Cancer Society and their fight against cancer. With a business partnership, we help to provide researchers with new and crucial knowledge about what works in the fight against cancer, so that the following benchmarks towards 2025 can be achieved:

  • One step ahead of cancer: Surviving cancer must be increased from 62 % to at least 75 %.
  • Less inequality in cancer: The Danish Cancer Society will work to reduce the growing inequality in cancer, so that the patients who are most vulnerable in society can also benefit from progress in the field of cancer.
  • No one should be left alone with cancer: The Health Care Society must meet the needs of patients and relatives in processes that safely show the way through illness and treatment processes and back to everyday life.

For more information visit https://www.cancer.dk/international/

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