From education to empowerment – Mazars supports the organisation Help to Help

Tanzania is one of the poorest countries in Africa and in the world, yet with a high potential for development.

The organization Help to Help is founded by Malin Cronqvist from Sweden. She saw the enormous potential in the country and decided to build an organization based on transparency and self-help, with long-term societal effects as the goal.

Help to Help runs two equally important programmes:

  • Scholarship Program
  • Skills for Employment Program

Help to Help has so far facilitated the education for 100 students, 41 of which have already graduated. Over 800 students have joined Skills for Employment trainings, preparing them to play their part in developing the country.

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Mazars believes in joint forces. With our donation, we make an active effort to support these important programmes to guarantee long-term positive effects.

For more info about the important work performed by the organization Help to Help please visit

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