Beyond the GAAP - the monthly newsletter on financial and sustainability reporting

Each month, the newsletter Beyond the GAAP aims at keeping readers informed of financial and sustainability reporting developments.

Beyond the GAAP, Mazars’ monthly newsletter on accounting standards, is totally free. 

Each month, the newsletter Beyond the GAAP aims at keeping readers informed of financial and sustainability reporting developments.

You will notably find in each issue:

  • The news related to IFRS Accounting Standards (new Standards, amendments to Standards, IASB projects, IFRS IC agenda decisions, endorsement process in Europe)
  • The news and priorities set by ESMA (European Securities and Markets Authority)
  • The news related to the issuance of sustainability reporting Standards (ESRS issued by EFRAG, IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards issued by the ISSB)

Each issue is available in PDF format.

If you no longer wish to receive Beyond the GAAP, send an e-mail to with “unsubscribe” as the subject line of your message.

Beyond the GAAP - November 2017 issue

Over the past decade, the IASB has been working on the process of converging IFRS with US GAAP, and this month saw EU endorsement of the remaining resulting standards. With implementation now set to go ahead, this marks the end of a chapter. The one remaining major standard awaiting endorsement – namely IFRS 17 - Insurance Contracts – was not a joint project with the FASB, and moreover is not scheduled for endorsement until the end of next year.

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Beyond the GAAP - October 2017 issue

The IASB has put some last-minute finishing touches to IFRS 9, with an amendment on debt instruments with symmetric prepayment options and with the inclusion (in the Basis for Conclusions) of its analysis of the standard’s provisions on the modification of financial liabilities. All that remains is for the European Union to accelerate the endorsement of the amendment so that European entities do not have to switch accounting policies between 2018 and 2019!

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Beyond the GAAP - July August 2017 issue

July was a busier period for Europe than for the IASB. The European Commission sent two draft texts (deferred application of IFRS 9 for insurers and financial conglomerates, and IFRS 16 on Leases) to the European Parliament and Council for endorsement before the end of the year, while ESMA published three documents on financial information and its enforcement activities.

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Beyond the GAAP - June 2017 issue

Beyond the GAAP - May 2017 issue

Beyond the GAAP - April 2017 issue

Beyond the GAAP - March 2017 issue

Beyond the GAAP - February 2017 issue

Beyond the GAAP - January 2017 issue

After a pause of several months, the IASB has started the year by presenting its annual improvements in a short exposure draft, with the next consultations expected as of April. It is also continuing to offer support on new standards, publishing an article on IFRS 16 – Leases, noting in passing that there are some decisions to be taken and judgments to be made, and urging entities not to delay the launch of their transition process.

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Beyond the GAAP - December 2016 issue

Following a November issue that was packed with ‘A Closer Look’ features, this month’s Beyond the GAAP is unusual in not containing any at all. However, our monthly crossword will provide a useful reminder of key issues in IFRS over the 2016 reporting period.

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