Forvis Mazars Group Annual reports

To strengthen our commitment to transparency, Forvis Mazars made the decision to prepare and publish an annual report which includes consolidated financial statements prepared under IFRS and audited by two external auditors.

Forvis Mazars' commitment to transparency

By means of its professional expertise, Forvis Mazars acts to bring transparency to the markets.  As a responsible group, Forvis Mazars decided from 2005 onwards to be subject to the demands of transparency itself and to publish its consolidated accounts under the same terms as its listed clients.

Forvis Mazars is so far the only global audit and advisory service group to present its consolidated accounts, co-audited and according to the IFRS.

Link to Forvis Mazars Group Annual Report website

We invite you to visit the website containing all the editions of our Group annual report by clicking here.

Growing with purpose, leading with courage

As we begin to emerge from the pandemic, the call for a more sustainable future has never been stronger. Businesses are – rightly – under pressure from everywhere to change how they grow: corporate social responsibility is not optional anymore, and it is time to walk the talk. Responsibility and sustainability have become important foundations of business performance and are vital to build confidence and trust in markets, corporations and public institutions.

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A year like no other: Mazars publishes 2019/20 annual report

For people, businesses and society, 2020 was a year like no other. With the global Covid-19 crisis many have faced extreme challenges; people and families across the world have lost loved ones too early and suffered previously unthinkable restrictions to their lives and livelihoods as governments, companies and other institutions battled to contain the virus. The unique challenge for business has been how to respect the necessity to preserve life while fulfilling its duty to meet society’s needs in a financially sustainable way.

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Striking the balance: Mazars publishes its 2018-2019 Annual Report

Looking to 2020, we see a bright future and many exciting prospects, but we know our stakeholders operate in testing times. That is why finding and maintaining the right balance resonates more than ever. With our 2019 Yearbook, we take the opportunity to reaffirm our commitment to accompanying our clients’ development, helping them navigate the complex environments in which they operate and grow in a sustainable way.

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With our 2018 Yearbook, part of our 2017-2018 Group Annual Report, we take a step back and reflect on our international development and growth. We also dive into who we are, our history and values, taking this opportunity to reaffirm our commitment to being #MazarsForGood – that is a global citizen devoted to having a positive impact on the world and communities in which we operate. We are dedicated to contributing to society in the best possible way, whether through providing quality services to our clients to help them achieve sustainable growth, enabling our talented people to reach their highest potential, or contributing to the public debate with positive insights for the future.

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Transformation: Mazars Group publishes its 2016-2017 Annual Report

At Mazars, more than ever, we believe that businesses can thrive only by creating shared value for all their stakeholders. Publishing our 2017 Yearbook is a way to take stock of what we have achieved this past year.
As a part of our 2016-2017 Annual Report, it also aims at providing a clear and global image of who we are and how we prepare the future. From open innovation to stewardship, from the future of the audit profession to our teams' perspective on the future, we have chosen to shed light from various angles on the notion of transformation.

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The modern firm: discerning, knowledge-intensive, agile, sustainable

Mazars’ 2016 Yearbook, part of the Group’s 2015-2016 Annual Report, is a journey through topics that are of paramount importance to us: leadership and entrepreneurship. Each article can be read alone, but all are closely tied to the concept of a Modern Firm. In order to illustrate this concept, we have chosen to explore four attributes, which define a modern firm: discerning, knowledge-intensive, agile and sustainable. Join our staff, our partners, our clients and all our other guests in this journey, from Rotterdam to Shanghai via Milan and Casablanca.

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