Beyond the GAAP - the monthly newsletter on financial and sustainability reporting

Each month, the newsletter Beyond the GAAP aims at keeping readers informed of financial and sustainability reporting developments.

Beyond the GAAP, Mazars’ monthly newsletter on accounting standards, is totally free. 

Each month, the newsletter Beyond the GAAP aims at keeping readers informed of financial and sustainability reporting developments.

You will notably find in each issue:

  • The news related to IFRS Accounting Standards (new Standards, amendments to Standards, IASB projects, IFRS IC agenda decisions, endorsement process in Europe)
  • The news and priorities set by ESMA (European Securities and Markets Authority)
  • The news related to the issuance of sustainability reporting Standards (ESRS issued by EFRAG, IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards issued by the ISSB)

Each issue is available in PDF format.

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Beyond the GAAP - September 2015 issue

By the end of the month, the IASB will have received the comment letters on its proposals for clarifying IFRS 15. Although they arise out of the work of the Joint Transition Resource Group (TRG), the amendments put forward by the IASB differ from those proposed by the FASB in its own consultation documents.

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Beyond the GAAP - July-August 2015 issue

A quick glance at the highlight titles and one may get the impression of a focus on “date shifting”. This, however, demonstrates the importance the IASB and others attach to getting or making things right, be it in terms of implementing IFRS 15 or defining the Conceptual Framework, two highly important standard setting projects. Of none less importance, having issued its feedback on its review of the implementation of IFRS 3 on business combinations, the IASB is now consulting on its 2016-onwards work plan and the IFRS Foundation on its governance: it may be helpful for their constituents to consider these documents together and take these occasions to help steer the “how”, the “what” and the “where to” of IFRS standard setting.

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Beyond the GAAP - June 2015 issue

The IASB is making progress with its proposed amendments to IFRS 15, following on from the work of the Transition Resource Group. Meanwhile, stock market regulators are committed to improving the quality and readability of financial reporting, with ESMA recently publishing its Guidelines on Alternative Performance Measures and the French market regulator (AMF) releasing a guide to improving the relevance, consistency and readability of listed companies’ financial statements. Companies that want to overhaul their financial reporting will have plenty to think about at the end of this financial period!

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Beyond the GAAP - May 2015 issue

As scheduled, the IASB has published its exposure draft, proposing a one-year deferral of the mandatory effective date of IFRS 15. This exposure draft is to be followed by a second, scheduled for July, proposing amendments to the standard (in the form of clarifications and additional examples) ensuing from the work of the TRG. Although further TRG meetings are scheduled, the IASB is not planning to make any further amendments.

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Beyond the GAAP - April 2015 issue

As expected, following the FASB decision to defer the mandatory effective date of Topic 606, the IASB has now followed in its wake. An exposure draft will shortly be published proposing to defer the effective date of IFRS 15 to 1 January 2018. These decisions are a consequence of the work conducted in the TRG on the implementation difficulties of these twin standards, which will result in the upcoming publication of proposed amendments.

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Beyond the GAAP - March 2015 issue

As rumoured over the past few weeks, the FASB is to publish a draft amendment proposing to defer the mandatory effective date of Topic 606, the US equivalent of IFRS 15. This decision will put pressure on the IASB to decide whether it will also defer the effective date. Meanwhile, much discussion continues over potential amendments to the two standards.

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Beyond the GAAP - February 2015 issue

As we foresaw, the FASB and the IASB have decided to introduce amendments to their twin standards ASC 606 and IFRS 15 on revenue recognition. Although the amendments (and their due process) are likely to differ between the two Boards, the FASB taking a more prescriptive approach, they should not affect the principles of the standard, or the convergence achieved between the two accounting frameworks on the recognition of revenue.

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Beyond the GAAP - January 2015 issue

As 2015 gets under way, discussions on the application of IFRS 15 are in full swing! Many technical subjects have now been discussed by the Joint Transition Resource Group, and already the idea of amending the standard as published has made some headway, at least on the FASB side.

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Beyond the GAAP - December 2014 issue

While many businesses will spend 2015 working on the practical impact of the introduction of IFRS 15 and IFRS 9, the IASB has announced that other important publications will appear this year: the new draft conceptual framework should be available during the course of the first quarter, while the new standard on leases is expected at the end of the year.

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Beyond the GAAP - November 2014 issue

The end of the year is fast approaching! This is an opportunity for us to provide an update on the new texts that are of mandatory application for the 2014 reporting period, or which may be applied early.

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