Forvis Mazars Environmental Policy

At Forvis Mazars, we are fully aware of the role we have to play in tackling climate change and preserving the environment by reducing our own footprint. In 2011, Forvis Mazars even reinforced its commitment by becoming a member of the UN Global Compact.

Forvis Mazars is committed to apply the followings:

1. General

  • Compliance with applicable laws and regulations
  • Implement an environmental management system
  • Measure and reduce our carbon footprint
  • Measure environment performance and metrics
  • Set tangible objectives and publicly report on progress
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the environmental risks
  • Provide employees with information and trainings
  • Engage employees to adopt ecologically responsible behaviors
  • Take actions to reach carbon neutrality

2. Office

  • Use efficiently the office space
  • Engage with landlords to integrate environmental considerations on buildings
  • Give preference to renewable energy
  • Minimise resource consumption, including energy, water and raw materials
  • Consider life cycle of purchased equipment and furniture

3. Waste and emission

  • Reduce levels of generated waste, reuse and recycle waste material
  • Take actions to minimize emissions to air
  • Travel responsibility to minimise emissions
  • Optimise videoconferences instead of business travels
  • Encourage home office to reduce daily commuting

4. Procurement

  • Influence supplier environment practices through the supplier code of conduct
  • Give preference to local sourcing
  • Perform audits on supplier environment management system


Forvis Mazars_​Environmental Procedure