Ernennung von Manuel Donzé als Executive Director

Lausanne, 13. Juni 2024 - Forvis Mazars in der Schweiz, ein führenders Unternehmen, das auf Wirtschaftsprüfung, Steuerberatung und Consulting spezialisiert ist, ernennt Manuel Donzé als Executive Director in seiner Outsourcing Service Line.

A recognised expert in financial  and business management, Manuel has more than 25 years' experience, notably in the financial management of companies in the luxury goods sector and in auditing companies in the banking, luxury goods, start-up and public administration sectors. More recently, he held the position of Head of the high education services  for the Canton of Jura. Manuel holds a Master's degree in Management (HEC Lausanne) and a Master's degree in Political Science (UNIL). He will be based in Lausanne and will be responsible for developing our consulting activities for SMEs, particularly in strategic, organisational and financial management support.

"We are delighted to welcome Manuel Donzé to our team. His expertise in advising SMEs, in entrepreneurship and his global vision of a CFO's portfolio of activities will enrich our range of services in Switzerland,’ says Yves Gottofrey, Head of French-speaking Switzerland and of the outsourcing activities of Forvis Mazars in Switzerland. 
