Family Succession

For most family businesses, planning for succession is the toughest and most critical challenge they face. Yet succession planning can also be a great opportunity to create a multi-generational institution that embodies the founder’s mission and values long after he is gone.

By taking care of the family succession during the lifetime of the owner, families can benefit from tax advantages and organize a smooth transfer (giving the pater familias the opportunity to transfer his knowledge and values to the next generation).

Our approach

Forvis Mazars' legal services, in close cooperation with reputed colleagues from our tax department, assists families and family businesses in multi-generational planning by helping them address issues related to ownership succession and management succession.
Our commitment to help you achieve success is absolute.

Drawing upon our experience in working with families and family enterprises across virtually all industries and business functions, we provide an integrated and pragmatic approach.

Our family succession specialists will:

  • assist with family business transfers to the next generation; 
  • help you develop a strategy to ensure the control throughout the generations;
  • assist with the set-up of necessary corporate and/or family governance, such as shareholders’ agreements (in which we can include agreements concerning external directors, dividend policies, the balance between active and passive shareholders, etc.).

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