Companies and Anti-Corruption: From Commitment to Action

Roxana Family, Dean of Law & Chair of Law and Business Ethics, University of Cergy-Pontoise, will be moderating a brainstorming session at the European Development Days (EDD) 15-16 June 2016 in Brussels, Belgium. The session has been sponsored and developed by Forvis Mazars. This discussion will be dedicated to addressing the impact of the private sector commitment and integrity in the fight against corruption.

A major issue

Faced with an increasingly complex regulatory environment and increasing penalties, the risk of corruption has become a major issue for companies operating in countries with poor governance structures, in particular. The private sector is also increasingly called upon by various stakeholders to publicly communicate its commitment to fighting corruption. Companies must implement internal control systems suitable for their size and business in order to address the risk of corruption. Our session will bring together practitioners from public and private sectors, business ethics  and a Forvis Mazars’ anti-corruption expert, to share views and experience on how the private sector’s commitment to integrity, through the implementation of anti-bribery management systems, can enhance the 2030 Agenda SDGs.

A shared understanding

The fight against corruption is one of the Agenda 2030 goals for sustainable development as corruption inevitably leads to inequality in income, poverty and a diminished business climate. As highlighted by the UN Private Sector Forum 2015, only the combination of both public and private initiatives promotes integrity and business ethics. We aim to foster a shared understanding of the private sector's role in contributing to the SDGs, focusing on how businesses contribute to governance issues, such as anti-corruption. Our objective is to explain how companies understand their responsibilities and their role in the fight against corruption and how they foster a culture of integrity in business through the design and implementation of appropriate anti-corruption compliance programs, helping employees to resist extortion and solicitation in exposed situations. Our speakers are in-house experts, organizations or firms who share Forvis Mazars' commitment to SDGs.


The session intends to stimulate dialogue and action in the following subjects, through interaction between public and private actors on:

  • The role of private companies in the fight against corruption, notably in countries with poor governance
  • How can private and public sectors find better ways to cooperate in the fight against corruption (regulatory environment, practical tools, etc.)
  • What are the means for the private sector to do business and contribute to economic growth in poor governance countries without threatening their commitment to integrity

Participants will learn about existing anti-corruption management systems/compliance programs/tools and their benefits & effectiveness, through case studies.

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