Outbound investment to China
The knowledge and experience we have gained whilst doing business with China has been bundled in Global China Services. There, our specialists work together with colleagues of Forvis Mazars in China. This means that Global China Services forms a strong link between Belgian companies and the specialists of Forvis Mazars in China. As an entrepreneur, you can take maximum advantage of this close cooperation.
As a foreign entrepreneur in China, you are confronted with more than language barriers or cultural differences. What legal and tax legislation and regulations do you need to take into account? From Global China Services, together with Forvis Mazars in China, we can support your company with the following services:
- IT audits
- Transaction services
- Forensic investigations and business restructuring
- International control and risk management
- Accountancy
- International Tax planning, transfer pricing and compliance
- VAT and customs
- Global Mobility Services
For more information about Forvis Mazars in China, please visit forvismazars.com/cn
Interested in Global China Services?
Would you like to know more about Global China Services? Please contact :
- Véronique Ryckaert – Partner Accounting, Legal, Tax and Outsourcing Services by e-mail or by phone: +32 9 265 83 20
- Philippe Gossart – Partner Audit & Assurance by e-mail or by phone: +32 2 779 02 02
- Stijn Sablon – Head of Global Mobility Services by e-mail or by phone: +32 9 265 83 20