Global Mobility Alert February 2020

We gladly present you a new issue of our Global Mobility Alert.
On behalf of the Mazars & Praxity Global Mobility, we’d also like to take this opportunity to wish you a happy and insightful 2020!

For 2020 we expect to see continued reshaping of the worldwide global mobility landscape. In the war for talent, many countries will continue to look for ways to attract expertise by introducing special tax regime, reducing bureaucracy.

On the other hand, there is a strong sense of getting a fair share of the tax pie, resulting in tightening interpretations of international law.

Part of a broader list, we encourage you to watch the following events:

 The impact of robotics on handling global compliance

 The increased attention to the impact of having cross border work on corporate income tax obligations

 The implementation of the EU Posted Workers Directive

In this issue we offer a range of articles about relevant issues affecting the international workforce of multinational organisations.

Mazars Germany explains its RPA solution for electronic application of A1 certificates and Mazars UK provides more insight on the social security liability for non-resident directors.

In addition, you can find updates on local tax legislation for Portugal, Slovenia, Romania and Austria.

We hope you find this issue useful and interesting. If you wish to be updated more regularly or differently on global

mobility matters, feel free to let us know!

Kind regards,

Alexander Rasink

Global Head of Global Mobility Services


Global Mobility Alert February 2020

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