Seminars in the past
Here you will find details on seminars held in the past and for which you can now download documentation.
Webinar: How to organise the COVID-19 exit from a Belgian HR perspective?

19 mei 2020 : 10u00 - 11u30 (NL)
le 19 mai 2020 : 15h00 - 16h30 (FR)
May 20, 2020 : 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm (CET) (ENG)
Speakers :
Kim Matthys (Labour Law Manager)
Stijn Sablon (Director Tax - Global Mobility)
le 19 mai 2020 : 15h00 - 16h30 (FR)
May 20, 2020 : 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm (CET) (ENG)
Speakers :
Kim Matthys (Labour Law Manager)
Stijn Sablon (Director Tax - Global Mobility)
Mazars Intiem 2017
Enkele fiscale nieuwigheden toegelicht tijdens 3 korte sessies en in beperkte groep.
Mazars Intiem 2016
Dit seminarie vond plaats op 14 januari 2016 in ons Mazars kantoor te Gent.
Lawtech Europe Congress
26/27 October 2015 in Brussels
Event: "Do you know your disruptive innovators?"
On the 16th of December we organised the event:"Do you know your disruptive innovators?"
An open debate on the future challenges of the financial sector wit a.o. Jurgen Ingels (founder Clear2Pay) and Koen Algoet (Head of Banking Supervision at the National Bank of Belgium)...
An open debate on the future challenges of the financial sector wit a.o. Jurgen Ingels (founder Clear2Pay) and Koen Algoet (Head of Banking Supervision at the National Bank of Belgium)...
Donderdag 27 april
Grondige hervorming van de vennootschapsbelasting vanaf 2018
Momenteel wordt het politiek “Zomerakkoord” in finale wetteksten gegoten. Hierdoor wordt de vennootschapsbelasting met ingang van 1 januari 2018 grondig hervormd.
Club Vennootschapsrecht 2015-2016
Mazars Intiem : 22 januari 2015 - Nederlandstalige Sessie
Fiscale en andere nieuwigheden worden u tijdens 3 korte sessies in beperkte groep toegelicht.
Webinar - Cross border VAT
June 26 - 28, 2018 | Webinars
EU-Commission modernizes VAT System in Europe! Discuss with us the impact on the intra EU trade.
EU-Commission modernizes VAT System in Europe! Discuss with us the impact on the intra EU trade.
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