Sustainability report 2020

For this sustainability report, our theme is: “In focus– our people”. The importance of our people, and indeed all of humanity, was highlighted in many ways as we were separated by the pandemic. We needed our people to be at their best to survive the impacts of the global response to the pandemic and our people showed up. Furthermore, protecting our people was one of the focal areas for our firm globally. The choice in theme represents our appreciation for our people and their role in achieving our sustainability and growth objectives. It is also a statement of intent. Our people are ranked a top material issue for our report and inform the very the foundation of how we will create sustainable value moving forward.

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Our sustainability reporting journey commenced in 2019 with a fynbos theme, as we identified with its resilience, consistency and beauty. These represented the qualities we wanted to work towards in meaningful ways within our practice.

We embarked on our sustainability journey and navigated the inevitable challenges and opportunities that lay ahead with these qualities as our pillars. None could have imagined that those challenges included a global pandemic. The spread of COVID-19 across the globe threatened and took away both lives and livelihoods. It confined us to our homes, away from our loved ones, friends and colleagues as countries across the world instituted lockdowns to varying degrees to slow the spread of the virus. Through the resilience and consistency learnt from the fynbos, Forvis Mazars in South Africa continued to offer transformative business solutions and professional services to clients.

Through it all, we served our communities and cocreated sustainable value with our stakeholders. Most extraordinarily, we found and ultimately shared with the world, our new brand identity and focus.

“Our purpose speaks directly to caring about the integrity of our profession. As a firm we are invested in meeting client and public expectations in a manner that holds true to our values.” 

Michelle Olckers, Co-CEO

“We bring a personalised approach to our client interactions, whether we are working with an entrepreneur who is just starting or with an established or JSE-listed company.”

Anoop Ninan, Co-CEO

Our focus on our people is also an important element of our recently launched brand identity and our brand promise to our clients and our communities. We rely on the values, work ethic, integrity, skills, and agency of our people to become the transformative business and corporate citizen we hold ourselves to be. Our people are at the centre of our brand promise of being the right fit for our clients, the right fit for our stakeholders and a reliable neighbour in the communities we operate in. Our sustainability report tells the story of our progress throughout the year, rooted in the impact we’ve made on people. It introduces our new brand identity and how it will influence our sustainability journey as well as how the road travelled thus far has further influenced its development. Finally, our report reveals the focus of our corporate social responsibility framework for the year ahead. Underpinning our sustainability story for 2020 is our renewed commitment to our values and to providing sustainable value in how we serve our clients and work professionally with our stakeholders.