Automatic exchange of information: FATCA and the CRS

Automatic exchange of information under FATCA and the CRS is live since a couple of years.

Banks, life insurers, funds and other supervised or non-supervised actors (such as certain private equity, real estate, and securitization structures) needed to implement FATCA and the CRS on relatively short notice.  Since sanctions for non-compliance can be significant, now may be a good time to conduct a HEALTH CHECK in order to identify and remediate possible implementation gaps, enhance or better integrate FATCA and CRS (and QI) procedures. 

Additionally, FATCA and the CRS remain topics to be taken into account when developing new banking and life insurance or pension products, launching a new investment fund, or setting up a non-supervised investment structure.

Click below to find out more on our service offer: 

FATCA/CRS Health Check & Remediation

FATCA/CRS for Banks

FATCA/CRS for Insurance

FATCA/CRS for Funds

FATCA/CRS for Private Equity


Ministerial authorization n°10016343
