Life sciences

Helping life sciences companies have sustainable growth in an innovative manner to deliver better health outcomes for society

Life sciences companies operate in an industry where regulation, pricing pressures, disruptive technology and the push for breakthroughs is shaping business models. We help companies navigate these complex challenges so they can focus on continuing to improve the future of health for individuals and society alike, as well as the planet as a whole.

Our approach

At Forvis Mazars, we work with companies in the pharmaceuticals & life sciences industry to navigate disruption, effectively allocate resources and forge new relationships that drive long-term value and lead to positive outcomes for people and society. Fundamentally, we understand the need to work collaboratively with companies, governments, policymakers, and investors to deliver healthy, safe communities.

When you partner with us, you benefit from guidance and advice that is tailored to your situation. From start-ups in the biotechnology sector to multinational pharmaceutical companies, our focus is on putting in place a team that is the right fit for your needs.

We are an international team with true industry experts that allows us to offer a global perspective and industry knowledge to empower informed decision-making. You may be seeking to streamline your operations, undergo a technological transformation or restructure to compete with disruptive market entrants. No matter your circumstances, our multi-disciplinary team can provide a range of audit, tax, and advisory services with a special focus on regulatory and technology solutions to improve your competitiveness and drive long-term growth.


Life sciences

Helping life sciences companies have sustainable growth in an innovative manner to deliver better health outcomes for society

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Specialist guidance and support for stronger healthcare delivery.

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