
Understanding the value of business decisions.

Whether you are considering an acquisition, the disposal of an asset, financing a project or contesting a piece of litigation, the potential financial impact plays a major role the decision-making process making it critical to have a full understanding of the value involved.

However, valuation is an inherently challenging area, requiring specialist skills and experience. Our global team of valuation experts are well versed in guiding clients through the valuation process and providing objective, thorough and technically sound advice on a broad range of situations, including:

  • Valuations in the context on an acquisition or restructuring exercise;
  • Valuations to support financing or fundraising decisions;
  • Valuations for financial reporting requirements;
  • Valuations for tax or legal requirements;
  • Valuations in the context of disputes, including contentious valuations.

At Forvis Mazars, we recognise that all our clients are different, therefore for each assignment we assess the key value drivers, the context for the valuation and consider an array of valuation methodologies.

We take a collaborative and systematic approach to valuations. We mobilise teams with the required technical, sectorial and geographic expertise needed to ensure that all relevant factors are considered, whatever the situation.

Our valuation services are objective and independent to ensure reliability for you and any third parties that may be considering the results of the exercise.

Our dedicated valuation teams provide expert opinions on a wide range of valuation scenarios, such as:

  • Allocation of an acquisition price and calculation of goodwill;
  • Impairment testing;
  • Transactional valuations for M&A and fundraising;
  • Compensation of minority interests due to squeeze-outs;
  • Fairness opinions;
  • Restructuring of company assets;
  • Intangible asset valuation;
  • Financial model valuation;
  • Disagreements around contractual terms;
  • Shareholder entry and exits;
  • Issues due to succession. 

Our tools & solutions

Thanks to years of experience in providing valuation services, Forvis Mazars has access to a significant database of proprietary data to support our work on valuation assignments.

In addition, we subscribe to a number of external databases to obtain valuation data, including Capital IQ, with whom we have a global agreement to ensure a consistent approach across the globe, as well as Bloomberg.

We are also a proud sponsor and member firm of the International Valuations Standard Council  ensuring that we are at the cutting edge of global developments in the valuations space.

Our people

We have valuation experts in 38 countries across all 5 continents, meaning that we can provide you with valuation support wherever your business takes you.

Valuation landscape

In today's dynamic business landscape, accurate valuation becomes even more critical as market conditions can change rapidly. Our valuation experts possess deep insights into market trends, allowing us to adapt valuation methodologies such as financial valuation methods, discounted cash flow (DCF) analysis, and comparable company analysis ("comps") to reflect current market dynamics. Whether it's assessing the impact of economic fluctuations, industry disruptions, or regulatory changes, we provide agile business valuation solutions to help clients make informed decisions in any market environment.

Risk assessment

Risk assessment is an integral part of the valuation process. Our experts meticulously analyse potential risks associated with the valuation, including market volatility, interest rates, legal uncertainties, and industry-specific challenges. By identifying and quantifying these risks, we empower clients to make risk-informed decisions and implement mitigation strategies to safeguard their investments and assets.

Every industry has its unique drivers and challenges that influence valuation. Our valuation teams consist of industry specialists with in-depth knowledge and experience across various sectors, including technology, healthcare, energy, manufacturing, and financial services. Whether it's understanding the nuances of technology valuations or navigating regulatory complexities in healthcare, our industry-specific expertise ensures that valuations are tailored to the specific needs of each sector.

Valuation strategies

Valuation is not just about determining the current worth of a business or asset; it's also about unlocking strategic insights for future growth and optimisation. Our valuation reports go beyond numbers, providing actionable recommendations and strategic insights to help clients maximise value creation opportunities, identify potential synergies, and optimise their capital allocation strategies.

Ethical integrity and regulatory compliance are paramount in the valuation profession. Our valuation teams adhere to the highest ethical standards and comply with relevant regulatory frameworks, including generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). By maintaining transparency, objectivity, and integrity throughout the valuation process, we ensure that our clients have confidence in the reliability and credibility of our valuation opinions.

Valuation is an ever-evolving field, with new methodologies, technologies, and regulatory requirements emerging regularly. At Forvis Mazars, we foster a culture of continuous learning and professional development among our valuation professionals. Through ongoing training, industry research, and participation in professional forums, we stay ahead of the curve, equipping our teams with the latest tools and techniques such as the discounted cash flow method to deliver best-in-class valuation services to our clients.

At the heart of our valuation practice is a client-centric approach focused on understanding our clients' unique needs, objectives, and challenges. We work collaboratively with clients to tailor our valuation solutions to their specific requirements, ensuring that our recommendations align with their strategic goals and deliver actionable insights that drive value creation and informed decision-making.

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