Financial engineering
We assist the company in the evaluation of its assets, how to finance growth operations and in the negotiations of contracts abroad. We also take care of the practical details of the red tape involved with forming and managing a company… that is, at the various stages of its existence.
We also help individual entities to develop, protect and maintain the long-term value of their assets.
Advice on establishing foreign companies
Assisting foreign companies to establish offices in Luxembourg. Advice on purchases and sales of companies.
Asset valuation
Valuation of companies, shares, and holdings in a wide variety of sectors.
Advice on how to finance mergers, acquisitions and restructuring operations
Assistance in financial engineering for these operations, drawing up cashflow plans and budgets.
Stock exchange flotation
Assistance in preparation of flotation prospectuses on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange.
Business management
Management of companies on behalf of private individuals or companies, performing certain administrative functions, as allowed by the professional code of ethics used by chartered accountants and auditors.
Surveys and assistance with company formation
Examination of the advisability of setting up a Luxembourg company and determination of which type of company is most suitable; preparation of the founding deed; representation of the founders; completion of the initial formalities.
Ministerial authorization n°10016343