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포비스 마자르 (Forvis Mazars), 50억 달러 규모의 새로운 글로벌 네트워크

유수한 두 회계법인 - 100개 이상의 국가와 지역에서 운영되는 국제적인 파트너십을 맺고 있는 마자르(Mazars)와 미국 내 최고 순위의 회사인 포비스(FORVIS)가 오늘 새로운 글로벌 네트워크인 포비스 마자르(Forvis Mazars)를 공식 출범했다.

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마자르(Mazars)와 포비스(FORVIS), 세계 10대 회계법인 네트워크 결성

글로벌 감사, 세무 및 자문 회사인 마자르(Mazars)와 미국 8위 회계법인인 포비스(FORVIS)가 2024년 6월 1일부로 새로운 글로벌 10대 네트워크[1]를 구축에 대해 2023년 11월 15일 공동 발표했다. 새로운 네트워크를 통해 두 회사는 고객 - 특히 국제적인 니즈를 가진 고객에게 서비스를 제공할 수 있는 역량을 확대함으로써 지속적인 글로벌 성장을 위한 입지를 다질 수 있을 것으로 보고있다.

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한국공인회계사회 이사 임명

한국공인회계사회 이사 임명 - 심규택 상무이사

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Mazars for good: Sustainability report 2022

Our history at Mazars is one of sustainable and inclusive growth, and for the fourth consecutive year, we are proud to release our 2022 sustainability report, which reflects our core values and shares our public commitment in action. As a responsible firm, we have ensured that the contents of the information disclosed are transparent, comprehensive and consistent non-financial metrics that exhibit a faithful representation of our performance across our material sustainability topics.

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Bold leadership for a sustainable future: Mazars C-suite barometer 2023

Our latest C-suite barometer shows that, while recognising the significant challenges of the past year, including inflation and economic instability, high energy prices, war and geopolitical tensions, leaders have a fighting spirit and positive outlook for 2023. Technology and sustainability stand out as their top two strategic priorities for the coming three to five years, with the C-suite investing in these areas to ensure their business is fit for tomorrow.

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Report: Myths and barriers preventing the progression of women

The benefits of diversity no longer need to be proven. However, it is clear that gender inequalities persist, particularly in executive committees and among CEOs. This report, "Myths and barriers preventing the progression of women: analysis and solutions", developed by Mazars in partnership with the Gender Balance Observatory, is designed for leaders who wish to concretely advance equality in their organisation.

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Mazars in Asia Pacific 2022

The Asia Pacific region has an important role to play as a driver of the global economy, and as international businesses look to expand overseas, the region presents some of the best opportunities for growth.

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Mazars C-suite barometer 2021 in APAC

At the end of 2021, our annual C-suite barometer surveyed over 1,000 executives around the globe, including around 200 from the Asia Pacific (APAC) region. The research reveals the latest issues and developments that our clients in the APAC region are facing, allowing us to respond to their opportunities and challenges and support their businesses.

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이제는 행동할 때: 마자르 C-suite barometer 2021

2021년 말, 마자르 C-suite barometer에서는 기업들이 자신감과 회복탄력성을 가지고 코로나19 대유행시기로부터 점차 극복하고 있음을 보여주고 있습니다. 또한, C-suite들은 미래의 트렌드에 대응할 수 있는 능력과 자신감을 바탕으로 비즈니스를 변화시키며 투자를 계획했습니다. ESG는 이제 주요 경영 의제에 확고하게 자리잡고 있으며 기업들은 다양한 ESG 주제에 대해 공개 선언을 하고 있습니다. 그러나 과연 기업들이 전략을 잘 실행시킬 수 있을까요?

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The race to data maturity: is your business as far ahead as you think?

While most businesses understand the importance of data, few are truly able to transform it into a competitive advantage.So, what sets the successfully data-driven apart from the rest? The critical ingredient is data maturity. The higher an organisation’s level of data maturity, the better able they will be to leverage their data to create value and unlock a competitive advantage.

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