Korean desk

Forvis Mazars' Korean desk supports your business in Korea and abroad.

For the companies seeking business expansion internationally

If you are a Korean company seeking your next global opportunity, you can rely on Forvis Mazars to help you make the right business decisions and successfully manage your investment.

Forvis Mazars Korean Desk provides essential services and support for Korean companies to expand into global markets. We help Korean companies grow and develop by providing them with the local knowledge where they want to enter, expertise and resources they need to succeed internationally. 

Forvis Mazars in Korea strongly encourage Korean companies to expand internationally and are ready to support. 

Our seamless integration means that you will benefit from a single point of contact and same methodologies everywhere, guaranteeing a tailor-made and cost-effective service as well as flexible, rapid, and efficient coordination between your team and our bilingual experts in Korea and other offices.

We make it easier for Korean companies to enter new markets with Forvis Mazars' services and prepare for growth in foreign markets, efficiently and effectively laying the foundation for our clients to expand into global companies in the future.

Supporting your business expand internationally

You can expect our integrated and consistent professional service for your business in Korea from any of our Korean desks around the world. 

To support your business, Forvis Mazars mobilises professionals in Korea as well as bilingual and bicultural experts with local expertise in countries around the world. These teams are familiar with local systems and public support measures and will support you whether you are looking to export from or invest in Korea.

Our Partners

Forvis Mazars works with several chambers of commerce in South Korea to help our clients enter the Korean economic community and create business relationships, providing information on various business opportunities. 



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