Introducing our new insights & regulatory updates for October 2024!
This publication mainly highlights important changes for your business, including recent changes in tax regulations and reporting obligations, revised laws for promoting work-life balance, and key review areas for unlisted companies and auditor opinion rights notification.
Check out our Issue 13 for updates on the following key areas:
Tax updates
Recent changes in tax regulations and reporting obligations
Recent regulations and rulings in relation to international transactions
Obligation to submit the information on foreign stock option or stock-based compensation
Pillar 2 GloBE (Global Anti-Base Erosion) rules: groups with in scope
HR & payroll updates
Revised laws for promoting work-life balance
Enhanced family leave policies
Reduced working hours for pregnancy and childcare needs
Audit & accounting updates:
Key accounting matters reviewed by KICPA for unlisted companies
Notice regarding the right to express opinions of a previous auditor
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any question.
Issue 13: October 2024
제 13호: 2024년 10월
Want to know more?
Julien Herveau
Managing Partner of Forvis Mazars in Korea