Korean insights & regulatory updates - issue 11: April 2024

Introducing our new insights & regulatory updates for April 2024!

This publication mainly highlights important changes for your business, including annual subsequent amendments to tax laws, new administrative interpretation on 52-hour workweek policy, and amendments to K-IFRS and K-GAAP.

Check out our Issue 11 for updates on the following key areas:

Tax updates:

  • Specification of regulations related to transaction details of employee stock-based compensation and similar instruments.
  • Expansion of the scope of deductible personnel expenses for expatriate employee to overseas subsidiaries.
  • Addition of requirement to attach a dedicated license plate for deducting business use cars
  • New regulation for the mandatory registration of a business place by the tax authority, exercising its authority for foreign suppliers eligible for simplified VAT registration.
  • Expansion of the VAT exemption scope for personal services.
  • Broadening the exclusion criteria for special provisions concerning foreign engineers, foreign workers, and exceptional domestic personnel.
  • Application of the special tax regime’s single tax rate for foreign workers: Tax exemption for the benefit of provided housing.
  • Rationalization of the scope of labor costs eligible for R&D tax credits.

HR & Payroll updates:

  • Changes in administrative interpretation of 52-hour workweek policy.
  • Monthly income tax calculation method update
  • Increase the non-taxable ceiling amount for childcare allowance and overseas labor income.
  • Shorten the submission cycle of payment statement for other type income related to personal services.
  • Amendment of employment and industrial accident insurance premium collection act.

Audit & accounting updates:

•Amendments to K-IFRS and K-GAAP

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any question.


Issue 11: April 2024
제 11호: 2024년 4월

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