Legal and privacy

You are visiting the website of Forvis Mazars - Hungary. For more information about the Forvis Mazars Group, please visit

General terms of use

This page contains the General Terms of Use of the website you are visiting,

Copyright Notice

All the content of this website are © Forvis Mazars Group and Forvis Mazars- Hungary.

General terms of use

This service is strictly for personal use. Any reproduction or representation, wholly or in part, for other purposes on any medium is prohibited. Non-compliance with this prohibition constitutes an infringement for which the infringer may be held liable under civil and criminal law. The information available on this website is non-contractual and may be changed without notice. The features and availability of the services referred to in this website service are valid for the following country: Hungary. Under no circumstances may the information accessible on the website be regarded as a consultation or advice of any kind. Forvis Mazars may not under any circumstances be held liable for losses of any kind related to the consultation or use of the website by the user. This Forvis Mazars website may contain links to third-party websites over which Forvis Mazars has no control. Forvis Mazars accepts no liability for the content of such websites. Visitors to the website are informed that personal data may be collected about them during their use of the site when they fill in data input forms, particularly where they request to be contacted, make a complaint or subscribe to an alert. 
Forvis Mazars is the data controller for the collection and processing of this data. 

By using this website, users are agreeing to be bound by YouTube's Terms of Services.


Data processing policy as currently in effect

On 25 May 2018, the European Union’s new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) entered into force and is in effect in all countries of the EU. Forvis Mazars is fully compliant with the relevant provisions set out in the GDPR. Accordingly, our Data Processing Policy has been updated and published. It lays down detailed rules on the processing and protection of your personal data; moreover, it provides information in terms of data subjects’ rights.

You can read our new Data Processing Policy in Hungarian by clicking on the pdf document below .

If you have any questions related to the processing of your personal data, please write to us at


The editor in chief of this website is the managing partner of Forvis Mazars - Hungary:
Philippe Michalak Budzan
Forvis Mazars Kft.
Fiastyúk utca 4-8.


Forvis Mazars - Adatkezelési Szabályzat
Data Controlling - Tax and Legal Services
Data Controlling - Audit
Data Controlling - Financial Advisory Services
Data Controlling - Innovation

Third party APIs