Group Transparency report 2015/2016
Their pro-forma contribution to group revenue is 43M€ leading to total revenue of 1 365M€ and sta number of 17 000. Group revenue has increased by 5.5% at a constant exchange rate.
For the last two years, we have started to present our nancial and non- nancial performance in an integrated manner, with the objective of showing our value goes far beyond simple gures and data. Our strategy, our governance model, our teams, our clients and prospects, and our ability to take into account the interests of all our stakeholders are the key components of how we create shared value, for our entire ecosystem.
We truly believe transparency is necessary and always strive to increase our openness to our environment. We are convinced our values and guiding principles of technical and ethical excellence are the foundations upon which we can e ectively contribute to the building of a better, stronger and more inclusive business community, in which diversity becomes a true source of shared progress for all involved.