Surveys and studies

You will find here Mazars surveys and studies.

Research Report on Board Leadership of Corporate Culture in Europe

Setting the right corporate tone from the top is seen as by far and away the most effective way to influence the culture in today’s businesses. Lead by example, and others will follow that lead. But research among European company board directors reveals that this belief is not being reinforced by action on how their businesses behaves.

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The Financial Reporting of Listed Real Estate Companies in Europe – 2017 Edition

In 2016, real estate investment in Europe fell by 9% by comparison with 2015 to €230 billion, but the listed real estate companies in our sample nevertheless achieved excellent financial performances.

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Overview of the new auditor’s audit report under the ISA

The auditor’s report is the final output of the audit process. Many users of the financial statements and stakeholders have called to have a more informative and relevant auditor’s report. There has been increasing criticism over standardised wording and a request for audit reports to be more transparent and tailored to individual clients.

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ECORYS & MAZARS Study for the European Commission

The European Commission published a study about administrative formalities of important procedures and administrative burdens for businesses. The study was prepared by Ecorys Netherlands in association with Mazars and examines the formalities and costs that EU companies face when undertaking certain administrative procedures. The study contributes to an impact assessment for the “Single Digital Gateway” initiative – part of the Single Market Strategy.

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Mazars - Ethics in Luxury Study

In response to a world shaken by increasing global economic volatility, the luxury industry is starting to focus on sustainability and ethics. Respect for the environment, recycling materials and innovating new ones, integrity throughout the value chain, collaborative and digital economy, and social entrepreneurship are among the strategic priorities for luxury companies.

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Global E-commerce Report 2017

Mazars is pleased to promote the 2017 edition of the Global Ecommerce report devised by the Ecommerce Foundation, together with the Global Ecommerce Association, gathering +40 local ecommerce association.

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Is now the time for alternative valuation methods for the construction industry?

Whether it’s a local company or a major global entity, the valuation of a construction business is often estimated on the basis of multiples of earnings, and therefore essentially founded on a short-term outlook. However, businesses strategies with a long-term vision, such as innovation, energy, concessions and acquisitions are not taken fully into account in valuations. If valuers took a long-term view, through using other valuation methods that make it easier to understand these strategies, would this have an influence on how these firms are valued?

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Mazars 2017 U.S. Water Industry Outlook

Mazars recently launched the 2017 US Water Industry Outlook - the fourth edition. We are pleased to continue contributing to the ongoing water debate and providing education surrounding this field.

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The Future Board

As corporate organisations respond to strategic challenge and uncertainty, boards must adapt to successfully steer business toward long-term sustainable success.

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The Case for Enterprise Risk Management in Insurance

Experts from Chartis Research and Mazars have teamed up to explore how insurers are implementing enterprise risk management (ERM), and what’s required for a successful integration.

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