Financial Reporting by listed Real Estate Companies in Europe in 2014

Our Real Estate experts have analysed the financial reporting of a sample of listed European real estate companies in 2014. For this fifth edition of the survey, we have paid particular attention to real estate companies ‘positioning and their use of key performance indicators. We also analysed their reporting on their asset portfolios and financing strategies.

The press releases published by the sector showed a balance between acquisitions, investments and disposals, as well as major transactions involving shopping centres. Falls in rates had a negative impact on asset values, but also generated continued refinancing activity. The bond market also continued to see very high levels of activity.Our survey looks at how these events have been represented in companies’ financial reporting. We also analysed financial reporting and market expectations regarding projects in the pipeline, and the outlook more generally.

We hope you will find the survey interesting.

Constitution of the sample

Our survey covered the annual reports and press releases of fifteen listed European real estate companies, including the ten foremost French companies:


Constitution of the sample

Key data on the sample

Key data


Find out more in our survey below.


Financial reporting by listed real estate companies in Europe in 2014
Communication financière des foncières en 2014